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Presence not presents

Christmas is full of rhetoric and nuance. And pressures of work and being sociable. I’ve spent years being distracted by work, by wanting, by comparison. But this year I’ve shifted my focus and realised I’ve got it all, already. And the best Christmas gift is to remember that. 

The only thing you need and will ever need, to help you do anything, be anything or feel anything is YOU and your reactions to the present moment. 

The gifts and the consumerism won’t change anything fundamentally. Because all you have is you, and this moment as you read these words. Eckhart Tolle says that in every single moment, we have a choice of how to respond to it. And there are only three options;

Acceptance, Enthusiasm, Enjoyment

I like this and it’s actually quite freeing focusing only on one way to be. If the situation isn’t enjoyable and I can’t be enthusiastic, then I just accept it, and go through it, rather than work against it….it’s in the fighting that we feel the struggle. The temptation to avoid, distract, run away, or choose things that aren’t good for us. Hopefully, during this festive period, you’re able to feel enthusiasm and joy. And if it’s tough, I hope you can be gentle on yourself, and accept self-care as you move through the festive period. Prioritise your well-being. Your sleep. Rest as well as partake.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a joyful 2024.

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